3 min readMar 8, 2022

‘There is Her in every Hero.’

‘Where there is magic, there is a Woman.’

‘A man does what he can; A woman does what he cannot.’

‘One woman, many roles.’

Today being International women’s day, social media is flooded with posts and stories around women and I can go on with such quotes and many more notes on this topic. If you ask me, being a woman, of course, it feels good to hear such good things and believe that we, (women) are born geniuses. But is it really true only for women?

In the race of being recognized and standing tall and equal to men at home, workplace and society at large, I think a lot of women out there are fighting the wrong battle. In the name of Feminism, women these days have started craving for superiority, not equality; some knowingly and many others unknowingly just blindly following their leader, also because it sounds cool and trendy. Whether in reel or real life, if all of us have heard endless wrongdoings of men, we have most definitely also heard incidents of women taking undue advantage of their gender to escape their act of wrongdoing.

In a short period of time, this became one of the most talked-about issues, and on being asked every woman said ‘Yes, I am a feminist. But the sad part is half of them are not even aware of what the word Feminism means and along the way they have blurred the difference between equality and superiority.

The Oxford dictionary definition of Feminism goes like this: ‘The advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes. ‘Feminism does not require one to hate men and everything they do, or never ask for their help. Moreover, feminism does not mean that, as a woman, you must reject every form of chivalry, grow out your body hair, refuse to wear bras, and wear no make-up, unless you want to, of course. So, if you are one of those girls who like to shave, wear pretty clothes and lipstick, you should be able to do so and still call yourself a feminist.

Sometimes we get so caught up in blaming the other side, we forget to focus on what it is we are actually fighting for — equality. It’s simple — We don’t need to hate the opposite gender to add value to our own.

As compared to women of older generations who used to drop everything to support a man’s dreams; nowadays we feel like an achievement and something to boast about when we convince a man to drop everything to support our dreams, whether or not it makes any logical sense. And well, he really does it out of his own will or not is another story and the truth that stays with him. Obviously either way is totally acceptable should it make sense and seem beneficial for both. But playing role reversal only for recognition and having an upper hand or ego is ridiculous and such thoughtless decisions lead nowhere.

Having said that, asking for a fair share of responsibilities and duties in a marriage shouldn’t make society and men uncomfortable or angry. For as long as women also know and understand that what they are asking for makes logical sense and their intent is right, neither ego-driven nor to sound cool and not merely to create an outcry of feminism in an ongoing rally.

Both the genders are made different and non-identical naturally. They have their own set of strengths and weaknesses. It's best to learn acceptance and to strike a balance rather than diving into superiority via trying to uplift our self-worth as a gender.

Women > Men OR Women = Men

Choose your side consciously!

Happy Women’s Day!





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